4th Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium on August 1-2, 2013
The Louisiana State University School of Renewable Natural Resources will host the 4th Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium on August 1-2, 2013 at the Lod Cook Conference Center on the LSU Campus.
The theme of 2013 symposium will be impacts of human and natural disasters on forested and wetland ecosystems and wildlife. The symposium is the premiere natural resources outreach event of the LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources. The 2013 symposium will feature presentations from leading international experts covering contemporary issues related to controlled burns and wildfires, hurricanes, and forest management impacts on wildlife populations and species diversity.
Speakers will also address the impacts of Hurricane Isaac on Louisiana wildlife, fires on natural ecosystems, the role of fire in longleaf pine regeneration, the relationship between hurricanes and fires in coastal forests, socio-economic risk of wildfire damage, and other topics.
The target audience includes land managers, foresters, land owners, academicians, and those interested in this important issue. A comprehensive and professional color proceedings will be available to all registrants. Please visit www.lsuagcenter.com/lnrs for more information and to register.
Continuing Education
This program qualifies for 12 hours of Continuing Logger Education from the Louisiana Logging Council and for 6.5 hours of category 1 and 3.0 hours of category 2 continuing forestry education from the Society of American Foresters.
For more information and to register, please visit http://www.rnr.lsu.edu/lnrs/default.htm.
This information was obtained from the LSU Ag Center.