Wood Drying Digest
Title: An Air Drying Index for Appalachian Hardwood Lumber
Date: June 1979
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Title: Part Time Drying
Date: October 1979
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Title: Humidification System Moistens Plant Air
Date: February 1980
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Title: Looking for Causes of Moisture Content Variation in Kiln Drying Southern Pine 2 x 4’s, Part 1
Date: August 1980
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Title: Looking for Causes of Moisture Content Variation in Kiln Drying Southern Pine 2 x 4’s, Part 2
Date: October 1980
Link: Access
Title: Results of Storage on Warp of Young Growth Ponderosa Pine Studs
Date: April 1981
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Title: Fire in the Dry Kiln
Date: August 1981
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Title: Predryer vs. Air Drying – Harris Manufacturing Co.
Date: October 1981
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Title: Drying Hardwood Structural Lumber
Date: June 1982
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Title: Dry Kiln Heat Exchangers: A Potential for Heat Recovery from Kiln Ventilators
Date: August 1982
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Title: Using the Moore Drying Guide
Date: October 1982
Link: Access
Title: How to Build a Solar-Dehumidifier Kiln with Heat Storage and Heat Recovery Systems, Part 1
Date: December 1982
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Title: How to Build a Solar-Dehumidifier Kiln with Heat Storage and Heat Recovery Systems, Part 2
Date: February 1983
Link: Access
Title: Moisture Measurement in Softwood Lumber
Date: April 1983
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Title: The Effect of Kiln Variables on Moisture Uniformity, Drying Time, and Temperature Differential Across the Stack in High Temperature Dried Southern Pine Lumber
Date: June 1983
Link: Access
Title: The Effect of Subsequent Treatments on Twist in Red Pine Studs
Date: August 1983
Link: Access
Title: Comparison of Thickness and Width Shrinkage in Red Pine Studs
Date: October 1983
Link: Access
Title: Using a Home Microwave Oven for Oven-Drying
Date: April 1984
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Title: The Cost of Drying Hardwood Lumber
Date: August 1984
Link: Access
Title: Dehumidification Drying from an Owner’s Point of View
Date: May 1991
Link: Access
Title: The Basics of Steam Making, Trapping and Heat Exchange
Date: June 1991
Link: Access
Title: 15 Steps to Quality Lumber Drying
Date: February 1991
Link: Access
Title: Hot Oil Heated Kilns
Date: October 1991
Link: Access
Title: Stresses Develop After Redrying
Date: February 1992
Link: Access
Title: Schedule for Drying 4/4 Upland, Bacterially Infected, Red Oak, Minimizing Checking and Honeycomb
Date: February 1993
Link: Access
Title: Will Lumber Stain in the Winter Months?
Date: March 1993
Link: Access