Tools and Technology Aid the North Carolina Coast

 RESULTS magazine cover - winter 2011The research of College of Natural Resources professors Dave Tilotta, Stacy Nelson and Tom Colson along with graduate students Tyler Strayhorn and Brett Harris are featured in “The North Carolina Coast,”  the Winter 2011 issue of  Results – the Research and Innovation Magazine at North Carolina State University.  

Here are two examples of how we’re improving the lives of the people, plants and animals who populate our coast. 

Tools Needed to Bounce Back after the Storm  

Coastal storms have raked North Carolina, with intense winds demolishing buildings and ripping apart infrastructure. They also have swamped the state, with torrential rains forcing residents to flee for higher ground and leaving homes uninhabitable.  NC State researchers are studying ways to design coastal communities—through planning and construction—to be more resilient in future storms.
Dr. Dave Tilotta (left) and Tyler Strayhorn, an M.S. candidate in Forest Biomaterials, use flood-simulation tanks to test building material resiliency to river water and sea water.

Dr. Dave Tilotta (left) and Tyler Strayhorn, an M.S. candidate in Forest Biomaterials, use flood-simulation tanks to test building material resiliency to river water and sea water.

                                                                                                                                     Dr. Dave Tilotta is trying to find ways to make building materials more storm-proof. An associate professor and extension specialist in the Department of Forest Biomaterials, Tilotta is NC State’s point man for the DHS’ Resilient Home Program. The effort came about after Hurricane Katrina, when officials realized there was no single place for homeowners whose houses had been damaged in a natural disaster to seek information.

Tilotta’s team worked with program members at Savannah River National Laboratory, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Clemson University to create YouTube videos and other means to disseminate information on issues like mold mitigation and ways to retrofit homes. They also developed performance-based guidelines to encourage construction of buildings to better withstand high winds. 

“The best way for a community to recover from a natural disaster is to get people back into their homes
as quickly as possible.”

The Resilient Home Program is now ramping up research efforts, such as determining how resistant building materials are to floodwaters. “FEMA provides guidance on when materials should be considered too damaged for use, but there’s no science behind them,” Tilotta says.  His team dunks flooring into specially built flood-simulation tanks in Hodges Laboratory that contain river water or saltwater. After soaking the boards for up to a couple of weeks and then drying them out, they put the materials through a battery of tests to see how well they meet performance standards like weight-bearing capacity.

Eventually, Tilotta says, they will test wall studs and other materials as well. “The best way for a community to recover from a natural disaster is to get people back into their homes as quickly as possible,” he says. “Our research and education efforts are designed with that goal in mind.”   

Eye in Sky Can See Underwater Greenery

Dr. Stacy Nelson and Brett Hartis, a Ph.D. candidate in Forestry and Environmental Resources, examine underwater vegetation in the Currituck Sound.

Dr. Stacy Nelson and Brett Hartis, a Ph.D. candidate in Forestry and Environmental Resources, examine underwater vegetation in the Currituck Sound.


Under a searing summer sun, an NC State research team takes a small boat out onto Currituck Sound and drops some lines in the water. This is no ordinary fishing expedition, however. The group is reeling in samples of plants growing in the sediment a few feet below the surface so they can correlate their findings with images snapped by a satellite soaring more than 275 miles over their heads. 

Determining the location and variety of vegetation submerged in a body of water has always been a labor-intensive process. It’s also one with the potential for inaccuracy, as researchers pull samples from various points and then extrapolate their findings over a wider area. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) asked Dr. Stacy Nelson, associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, to find an easier and more reliable way to inventory underwater plants.

Submerged vegetation often presents planning problems for NCDOT engineers on projects that cross water. They must either avoid areas teeming with plants because those spots often are also teeming with fish or mitigate the construction damage by replanting elsewhere.  “If you don’t have an accurate inventory of what’s there,” Nelson says, “you don’t know where to avoid and what to mitigate.” 

Nelson, who works in the College of Natural Resources’ (CNR) Center for Earth Observation, believes high-resolution satellite images can be used to pinpoint submerged vegetation. He says he had good results using satellite photos to map lakes in Michigan a few years back, and now he is tapping into more detailed photos from a commercial satellite called Quickbird to develop a mathematical model for predicting what plants are where underwater. The model also will include data on water quality and the “reflective signature” of various plants. 

Submerged vegetation often presents planning problems for NCDOT engineers
on projects that cross water.

Getting the signature for each species is where the boat trips on Currituck Sound come in. “Water either scatters or absorbs the reflective energy the satellite is trying to capture, so there’s little left to develop a signature,” Nelson says. Together with Dr. Tom Colson, a geographic information systems expert in CNR, and two graduate students, he had to conduct a manual inventory so they could match their findings to the Quickbird photos. They collected samples at 276 points over 270 square miles three times during the summer as vegetation changed, noting the global-positioning satellite coordinates of each point so they would sample the exact spots each time. “If we can use the model to preserve healthy plant communities,” Nelson says, “we can boost the underwater ecology along our coast.” 

Results: Research and Innovation at North Carolina State University is published three times yearly by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. 

Editor – Matthew Burns
Photography: Roger Winstead

Dr. Kanters Goes to Washington

Dr. Michael Kanters addresses the Congressional Hockey Caucus on March 10, 2011

"Organized sports have strayed from their core mission of providing healthy, safe, and character building recreation for our nation’s youth." - Dr Michael Kanters

Recently, NC State University Sport Management professor Michael Kanters travelled to Capitol Hill at the invitation of the National Hockey League  to brief a Congressional Committee about the importance of sports participation for youth and the disturbing trend in organized sports away from their core mission of providing healthy, safe and character-building recreation for our nation’s youth. 

According to Dr. Kanters, there is a well established correlation between sport participation and positive educational and social outcomes for youth- including higher grades, college completion and increased levels of confidence and self-esteem. 

Kanters and other sport and recreation professionals are concerned, however, about a cultural shift in the structure and delivery of youth sports in America- a shift that is moving us away from seeing sport as an environment for positive experiences to one which “professionalizes” youth sports – where talent rules, bigger is better, children are pressured to practice more frequently and specialize at an early age, as opposed to a child-centric inclusive approach that gives our youth positive life experiences, physical activity, and the skills for a lifetime of active living and productive citizenship.

Watch the Congressional Briefing Video
Read Dr. Kanters Remarks

Arbor Day Celebration Drew a Large Crowd and was Fun for All

learning how to care for plants

Triangle Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) donated native plants and held a plant adoption station for youth. SAF member Kelley McCarter explains how to plant and care for this young plant.

This year’s North Carolina Arbor Day Celebration was a tremendous success, and the State Farmers Market in Raleigh proved to be an ideal location for the event. The warm weather and festive mood created a wonderful backdrop for hundreds of adults and youth to interact with resource professionals, faculty, and students and learn about the importance of trees and forests and how they improve the quality of our lives.

See News 14 Carolina’s video coverage: “Arbor Day plants a seed for new careers”

Congratulations and thanks to all of the NC Arbor Day Celebration exhibitors, supporters and participants who made the event possible and such fun!

Many thanks to the following:

Seedling giveaway

During the five-hour free event, members of the Triangle and NC State Student Chapters of SAF distributed 1000 redbud seedlings and answered the public’s questions on a variety of forest-related topics.

Triangle Chapter of SAF
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Forest History Society
NC Forestry Association
NC Division of Forest Resources
NC Division of Forest Resources – Urban & Community Forestry
City of Raleigh – Urban Forestry
NeighborWoods Program
NCSU College of Natural Resources – Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

NCSU College of Natural Resources – Department of Forest Biomaterials
NCSU Extension Forestry
Gregory Poole Equipment Company
NC Prescribed Fire Council

Learn more at Celebrate North Carolina’s Arbor Day at the State Farmers Market and

Celebrate North Carolina’s Arbor Day at the State Farmers Market

Seedling give-away at NC Arbor Day 2010The public is invited to participate in North Carolina’s Arbor Day Celebration to be held at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh, March 19, 2011, 9am to 2pm.  Exhibitors from a wide variety of forest-related organizations will be on site in the Farmers Building to share information and materials about how trees heighten our quality of life.

In addition to exhibits, demonstrations, and hands-on activities for youth, the Triangle Chapter of the Society of American Foresters will be giving away 1000 redbud seedlings.  Youth will also be able to “adopt” a plant to take home.  At noon, the winner of the NC Arbor Day Poster Contest will be announced and presented with their award.  NC State University faculty, staff, and students will provide information on educational and career opportunities in forestry and environmental resources.  Even Smokey Bear plans to join the celebration!

Arbor Day is celebrated in state observances across the country to show just how much trees are appreciated.  According to the NC Division of Forest Resources website, the NC state legislature ratified a bill in 1967 stating in part, “Whereas, it is desirable that the planting of seedlings and flowering shrubs be encouraged to promote the beautification and conservation of the vast and varied resources of North Carolina, and whereas the designation of a particular day each year as Arbor Day would encourage and draw attention to a concerted effort by North Carolinians to beautify and conserve the

Triangle Chapter of SAF will distribute 1000 redbud seedlings at the 2011 NC Arbor Day Celebration

state’s resources by planting young trees and shrubs.”  As host to the NC Arbor Day Celebration, the NCSU Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources honors that spirit, encourages community involvement, and thanks these organizations for their participation in the festivities:

Triangle Chapter of SAF
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
NC Forestry Association
NC Division of Forest Resources
NC Division of Forest Resources – Urban & Community Forestry
City of Raleigh – Urban Forestry
NeighborWoods Program
NCSU College of Natural Resources – Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
NCSU College of Natural Resources – Department of Forest Biomaterials
NCSU Extension Forestry

Exhibits during NC Arbor Day Celebration 2009

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit, or contact Lisa Schabenberger at 919-513-7368 or

Read our blog about the 2009 Arbor Day Celebration!

Local High School Students Learn about Recycling Paper

NC State University Dr. Byrd teaches Broughton High School students about paper recycling.Department of Forest Biomaterials faculty member, Dr. Med Byrd and Undergraduate Recruiter, Katie McIntyre recently spent two days bringing paper properties to life for Broughton High School chemistry students.  Dr. Byrd gave a lively lecture about the chemical properties of paper, highlighting many of the concepts that they will focus on in their chemistry class in the coming weeks. 

After learning the basic principles behind hydrogen bonds and flotation de-inking, students had the opportunity to recycle their own paper.  Groups were challenged to recycle two sheets, improving upon their first procedure with the second sheet.  Students with the cleanest, most uniform sheet, and highest yield in their recycled sheets were awarded with Wolfpack gear!

The Paper Science & Engineering faculty at NC State actively engage in outreach in our community.  Lab and lecture instructions for papermaking, flotation de-inking, and other areas of interest are available for teachers and community leaders. 

If you would like to schedule a visit to the NC State Department of Forest Biomaterials or inquire about a visit to your classroom, please contact Katie McIntyre at