Dr. Kanters Goes to Washington

Dr. Michael Kanters addresses the Congressional Hockey Caucus on March 10, 2011

"Organized sports have strayed from their core mission of providing healthy, safe, and character building recreation for our nation’s youth." - Dr Michael Kanters

Recently, NC State University Sport Management professor Michael Kanters travelled to Capitol Hill at the invitation of the National Hockey League  to brief a Congressional Committee about the importance of sports participation for youth and the disturbing trend in organized sports away from their core mission of providing healthy, safe and character-building recreation for our nation’s youth. 

According to Dr. Kanters, there is a well established correlation between sport participation and positive educational and social outcomes for youth- including higher grades, college completion and increased levels of confidence and self-esteem. 

Kanters and other sport and recreation professionals are concerned, however, about a cultural shift in the structure and delivery of youth sports in America- a shift that is moving us away from seeing sport as an environment for positive experiences to one which “professionalizes” youth sports – where talent rules, bigger is better, children are pressured to practice more frequently and specialize at an early age, as opposed to a child-centric inclusive approach that gives our youth positive life experiences, physical activity, and the skills for a lifetime of active living and productive citizenship.

Watch the Congressional Briefing Video
Read Dr. Kanters Remarks

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