Two Recreation & Leisure Professional Associations Honor Henderson

Dr. Karla HendersonDr. Karla Henderson, a professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, at NC State University recently received major awards from two professional associations.

The National Recreation and Park Association will honor Henderson with a 2010 National Literary Award, given to a writer or publisher who has made a significant contribution to understanding of tenets, trends or research in the field. She will accept the honor Oct. 27 at a congress and exposition in Minneapolis.

Henderson was named a senior fellow and founding member of the World Leisure Academy, an association for researchers, educators and practioners. She was inducted Aug. 20 in ChunCheon, Korea. Henderson accepted the academy’s George Torkildsen Literary Award earlier this month.

Henderson, who publishes regularly in a variety of journals, has authored or co-authored several books, led professional organizations and received awards for both teaching and research. She teaches primarily graduate courses in recreation and leisure theory and qualitative research methods.

NC State Researchers Receive Grant to Convert Lignin into Chemical Feedstocks


Media Contact: 
Tracey Peake, News Services, 919/515-6142 or


Researchers at North Carolina State University have received a grant aimed at finding an energy efficient and environmentally friendly method for breaking down lignin-a renewable, energy-rich raw material found in plants-into feedstock for  the petrochemical industry, which produces everything from fuel to pharmaceuticals.

NC State scientists Dr. Dimitris Argyropoulos, Finland Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Elon Ison, assistant professor of chemistry and a green chemistry specialist, have received a $500,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant via the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) for their research “Catalytic Oxidation Chemistry Aimed at Upgrading Lignin.” 

Lignin is found in woody biomass and the by-products of the pulp and paper and bioethanol industries. Approximately 1.3 billion tons of biomass are available annually in the United States, which could produce up to 130 billion gallons of biofuels, as well as other petrochemical products. However, the fundamental science necessary to convert lignin into chemical feedstocks  has not been adequately addressed.

Argyropoulos and Ison aim to develop the science for catalytically transforming lignin by using liquid carbon dioxide, an environmentally-friendly process, thereby creating an economically viable resource for the petrochemical industry.

“It will be a win-win-win situation if we are successful,” Argyropoulos says. “We will be making use of a renewable material, eliminating industrial waste, the end product will be immediately usable to supply our existing industrial infrastructure, and our conversion method is environmentally friendly.”

This grant is part of IRI’s Industry-Defined Fundamental Research program, designed to bring together leaders in industrial science to identify research that will directly affect the success of the American chemical industry, and to partner with universities and companies to explore this research.
The Department of Forest Biomaterials is part of NC State’s College of Natural Resources. The Department of Chemistry is part of NC State’s College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

NCSU Study Abroad Faculty Spotlight is on Dr. Susan Moore

Susan Moore on boat during study abroadDr. Susan Moore may be feeling some heat lately, but it is not just the summer sun. The NC State University Study Abroad Office is shining their Spotlight on Susan as this season's featured Faculty Director. Dr. Moore is Extension Associate Professor and Director of the Forestry &
Environmental Outreach Program in the Department of Forestry &
Environmental Resources in the College of Natural
Resources, and her  international experience includes work in Japan, forestry study
tours to Ecuador and Guatemala, and ongoing research and extension
work in Southern Chile.

Learn more about Susan, her Study Abroad Program in Southern Chile, and her advice to students!

 Find out what is happening in the Forestry and Environmental Outreach Program (FEOP), which is directed by Susan.

Susan Moore and fellow faculty in Chile 

Afghan Scholar Visits NC State College of Natural Resources

From Global Eyes- Summer 2010
by Roger Moore
Adgan forestry professor Nesar KohestaniNesar Kohestani, a forestry professor at Kabul University in Afghanistan, traveled to NC State this March to share ideas and develop professional contacts with faculty and students from the College of Natural Resources (CNR).  His visit was part of his broader participation in a US Department of Agriculture Faculty Exchange Program.

Read the full article in NC State's Global Eyes Newsletter

Wolfpackers Study Natural Resources Down Under

PRTM Student Enjoys Snorking in AustrailaFrom Global Eyes- Summer 2010
by Roger and Annette Moore 

A group of NC State students spent their first summer session travelling and learning in Queensland, Australia.  The 23 undergraduates were participants in two Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management courses (PRT 449 – Human Dimensions of Natural Resources in Australia and PRT 450 – Sustaining Natural Environments in Australia) which are designed to expose students to diverse ecosystems and cultures in Australia. 

Read the complete article in Global Eyes