NCSU Study Abroad Faculty Spotlight is on Dr. Susan Moore

Susan Moore on boat during study abroadDr. Susan Moore may be feeling some heat lately, but it is not just the summer sun. The NC State University Study Abroad Office is shining their Spotlight on Susan as this season's featured Faculty Director. Dr. Moore is Extension Associate Professor and Director of the Forestry &
Environmental Outreach Program in the Department of Forestry &
Environmental Resources in the College of Natural
Resources, and her  international experience includes work in Japan, forestry study
tours to Ecuador and Guatemala, and ongoing research and extension
work in Southern Chile.

Learn more about Susan, her Study Abroad Program in Southern Chile, and her advice to students!

 Find out what is happening in the Forestry and Environmental Outreach Program (FEOP), which is directed by Susan.

Susan Moore and fellow faculty in Chile 

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