CNR Dean Brown Announces Retirement

Dean Bob Brown, NC State College of Natural ResourcesDr. Robert (Bob) Brown, Dean of the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University, has announced his plans to retire in late summer-early fall, 2012.

Dr. Brown has been Dean at NC State since 2006.  He attended the University of California at Davis, and received his B.S. from Colorado State University.  After a tour in Vietnam with the Marine Corps, he attended Penn State University and received his Ph.D. in 1975.  He was on the faculty of Texas A&I University in Kingsville and a Research Scientist there with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute from 1975-87.  He was head of the Wildlife and Fisheries Department at Mississippi State University from 1987-93, and then head of the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department at Texas A&M University from 1993-2006.  While at Texas A&M, he was also Director of the Institute for Renewable Natural Resources and Coordinator of the Gulf Coast CESU.

Dr. Brown has been National President and a Fellow in The Wildlife Society, President of the National Association of University Fish and Wildlife Programs, Chair of the Board on Natural Resources of NASULGC (now ALUP), a Professional Member of the Boone & Crockett Club, Chair of the External Review Panel of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, and was an Adult Leader in the Boy Scouts for 18 years.  He retired as a LtCol. in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Dr. Brown and his wife, Regan, will remain in the Raleigh area after retirement. Together they recently established the Bob and Regan Brown Endowed Scholarship in Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology to provide support for incoming freshman. The first recipient will enter the program at NC State in Fall 2012.

NC State is moving forward with a national search for a new dean of the College of Natural Resources, according to Provost Warwick Arden. Blanton Godfrey, dean of the College of Textiles at NC State, will lead the CNR search.

College Welcomes Distinguished Visitors

The conferring of honorary doctorate degrees at NC State’s Winter Commencement brought the opportunity to welcome two distinguished visitors to the College of Natural Resources.

Dr Pachauri delivers the winter 2001 commencement address at NC State universityNobel Peace Prize winner and NC State alumnus Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, a worldwide leader in the study of climate change, was on campus to accept his honorary degree and to deliver the commencement address.  While campus he visited CNR to greet old friends and to learn more about the innovative work our scientists, policy experts and extension professionals are doing in the areas of forest biomass and renewable energy.


Robert G. Stanton received his honorary doctorate at NC State University on December 2011After accepting an honorary doctorate at  university commencement, Robert G. Stanton, joined CNR for the college diploma ceremony where he addressed our new graduates and their families.  Stanton is senior advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior and was both the first African-American director of the National Park Service and the first director to have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.  Renowned for his dedication to parks, his advocacy of opportunities for youth and his efforts to increase diversity in our national parks – Stanton shared a bit of his own experiences and commended the graduates on their achievements. In his inspirational remarks, he stressed education and service as the crucial foundation upon which to build successful lives and careers.

Student’s Semester Abroad in Equatorial Guinea Changes Her Life

Over 6,000 miles east of North Carolina lies Bioko Island, an island rich in both culture and biodiversity and part of the only Spanish-speaking country in Africa. Unknown by many, this island is part of Equatorial Guinea in West Africa, located approximately 20 miles off the coast of Cameroon. Dotted with deep crater lakes, cascading waterfalls, towering volcanic peaks, lush tropical forests, and expansive black sand beaches, Bioko Island harbors seven rare species of monkeys and four species of endangered sea turtles, along with unique insect and bird species, some still yet to be discovered. This biologically significant island provided the backdrop for Gretchen Stokes’ semester abroad during the spring of 2011.

Gretchen is a junior in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology major at NC State University, and she says that she knew from the start of her college career that she would participate in Study Abroad, though she recalls, “I never dreamed it would take me halfway around the world to Africa!” Gretchen stumbled upon the program while gathering information for the Conservation Biology Concentration Task Force in her major. Organized through Drexel University in Philadelphia, the Biodiversity on Bioko Island study abroad program is a collaboration of Drexel University, the Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, and the Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program. It is a hybrid program that combines four to six weeks of field courses with six weeks at a small university and incorporates five courses totaling 15 credit hours, all transferable to NC State University.

Here is Gretchen’s fascinating account of her experience abroad:

My Semester in Equatorial Guinea
by Gretchen Stokes

My studies on Bioko Island began with a two-week expedition to the undisturbed Gran Caldera Scientific Reserve, a hollowed volcanic crater encompassing nearly one-third of the island, covered with dense rainforest and abundant wildlife. A team of scientists, students, volunteers, porters, and local guides trekked deep into the rainforest, hiking two days to reach base camp. Here, I conducted surveys on monkey populations and studied methods in field ecology using the most advanced scientific technology. I worked with the team to photograph and record vocalizations of the troops of monkeys we encountered in hopes to better convey the importance of their conservation.

The island’s monkey populations have been declining since the increase in hunting activities in the 1980s as well as increased accessibility to the forest from newly developed roads and increased demand for monkey meat in the market. The team of scientists is now examining exactly how these human interactions are affecting populations of monkeys over time. Currently, three of the seven species of monkey are listed as endangered and one, the Pennant’s red colobus monkey, is listed as critically endangered. By performing an annual census and recording population data, the goal is to work with the local government towards conservation regulations and hunting bans in the vulnerable forests.

While on the southern end of the island, I worked with Equatoguinean students on a sea turtle research team, surveying the beaches through the night and into the early morning. I witnessed nesting sea turtles as well as poaching camps and evidence of hunted sea turtles. The data I collected on the nests and tracks will play an important role in the ongoing study of the island’s turtles and the conservation of all four sea turtle species.

Following the conclusion of that expedition, I traveled to the small village of Moka, in the island’s highland forests, where I studied island biogeography in the context of species diversity and evolutionary development. Each student designed and conducted an independent research project and was advised by Dr. Tom Butynski, one of the most recognized primatologists in Africa. I chose to conduct independent research on the habitat preference and distribution of four species of galagos, which are small primates also known as bushbabies. My work was entirely during the evening hours in order to conform to the galago’s nocturnal nature. During my field time, I worked with local guides and Equatoguinean students, which allowed for an excellent opportunity to improve my conversational skills in Spanish as well as learn about the villagers’ views of these animals.

I recorded data on habitat preference in relation to elevation as well as opportunistic observations of unique galago behavior. I also experimented with behavioral changes to audio playback. Most notably I observed unique galago behavior and discovered a species of bird potentially new to the island. It is exciting because this research proved valuable not only to the island’s data collection but also to the greater world of science.

I returned to the capital city of Malabo, where I attended classes at the Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial. These classes included Natural Resource Economics, Society and the Environment, and Advanced Spanish Language. My time in the city was an immersion in the Spanish language and the unique African culture. I feel that my abilities in the Spanish language are much improved, as I became conversational in the language and was able to communicate fluidly with the local people. Not only did I speak Spanish, but I also began to learn the languages of the indigenous Bubi and Fang ethnic groups. I studied the social and cultural implications of the two groups and how these impact the government and politics in Equatorial Guinea. I took salsa dancing lessons, attended cultural performances, went on field trips to nearby natural areas, and met with oil companies, including workers at Exxon Mobil and Marathon.

One of the most important aspects of my studies was learning about the oil industry on the island. Four oil companies prosper from offshore drilling and I had the opportunity to visit the oil company compounds, meet with oil workers, and explore the relationship between the government, oil companies, and local people. Because of the recent economic boom from oil production, the demand for bushmeat has also increased. Bushmeat includes any wild animals hunted from the forest, most commonly snakes, antelopes, monkeys, and other small mammals. Visiting the local bushmeat market was a sobering experience for me after seeing wildlife flourishing in the rainforest just weeks before.

I made it a priority to be involved in service activities while in Equatorial Guinea. Most notable was providing environmental education for elementary-aged children at a local school. My lessons, spoken completely in Spanish, strived to inform students about topics such as pollution, habitat destruction, and human impact on the environment. None of these kids have ever left the city, let alone the island. They do not know more than what they see in a few city blocks. They are not aware of the connection between humans and the environment nor do they know of the biodiversity found in their country.

Not only did I gain a wealth of knowledge and appreciation of the culture, but I also have a newfound appreciation for the profound impact that education can have. Education is vital, the foundation of how to create a positive change in the world. It can empower people and change the way they live. Through my service work, I have discovered my passion for education. I know now this is what I am called to do.

My study abroad experience was enriching, fulfilling and empowering, and it truly captured the essence of my field of study. From the tiniest butterfly to the beautifully majestic sea turtles, I witnessed nature’s incredible diversity, interconnectedness, and resilience. I witnessed our natural environment undisturbed, in its most raw form.

Following my studies in Equatorial Guinea, I decided I was not ready to leave Africa! I flew to East Africa to travel around Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. I ventured into northern Kenya’s vast hills dotted with giraffes, elephants, zebras and rhinos, and I toured one of Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee rescue centers, meeting with scientists from the Mpala Research Reserve. I continued west to hike Kenya’s tallest waterfall, Thompson’s Falls, and camped in a nearby village.

I then proceeded to Jinja, Uganda, where I whitewater rafted down the Nile River and bungee jumped 145 feet above it. I traveled with a local woman across Lake Victoria to a rural village, helping her with agriculture education, handing out seeds and instructing the villagers on how to raise their crops more sustainably with a greater yield. We also supplied Jinja’s children’s hospital with much needed medical supplies and food. I was overwhelmed as I walked through the crowded rooms of undernourished children.  I remember when we gave a child a mosquito net, his mother told us her husband had just died from malaria and her son was sick with malaria because they could not afford a net. I will never forget the small smile the boy mustered as we hung the net above him.

After leaving Uganda, I made my way to Tanzania for a six-day safari to parks including Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. I watched lions wrestling in the golden grasses, thousands of wildebeest galloping across the savannah, a leopard sinking his teeth into his latest catch, and elephants trumpeting calls to one another. When you think of Africa, this is what you imagine. Each day brought something more breathtaking than the last, from the wildlife to the sunsets. I even participated in a ceremony with the indigenous Maasai people and indulged in a village’s traditional foods.

The last destination in the journey was to the Zanzibar archipelago. I spent a few nights in historic Stone Town and then at the secluded beaches on the Indian Ocean. This gave me time to reflect on my experiences in Africa and how to best apply these lessons learned upon returning to the United States. Traveling around Africa gave me a better perspective on how much there is to see in the world and it taught me how to make the most out of every day. From day to day choices, such as the food I eat and the music I listen to, to the long-term decisions I make, such as my plans after graduation, my life has been changed.

About Gretchen Stokes:

Gretchen Stokes, of Apex, NC, is a junior in the Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology major with a minor in Spanish. Gretchen is a College of Natural Resource Student Ambassador and is a Class of 2013 Park Scholar. Park Scholarships are very prestigious, full, four-year, merit-based awards for exceptional NC State University undergraduate students.  Following graduation, she plans to pursue a graduate degree through the Peace Corps’ Master’s International Program and later work toward a PhD degree. Gretchen hopes to ultimately work for an organization like the United Nations Environmental Programme, NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Lessons In Environmental Sustainability – Topic of 2011 Borlaug Lecture

Dr. Julio César Calvo Alvarado

Dr. Julio César Calvo Alvarado, the 6th Norman E. Borlaug Distinguished Lecturer on Global Service to Society and the Environment - 10/31/2011 NC State University

The sixth Borlaug lecturer – Dr. Julio Cesar Calvo Alvardo – has an important connection to N.C. State University: He earned his doctorate in forestry here in 1991 and went on to become president of one of Costa Rica’s most prestigious universities, said Dr. Dan Robison, associate dean of the College of Natural Resources (CNR).

In introducing Calvo at the October lecture, Robison said he had hoped that Calvo’s doctoral mentor Dr. Jim Gregory of the College of Natural Resources could be on hand to introduce the speaker, but Gregory was away from campus. Still, Robison reflected on the honor of having one’s own student to become president of the  Technological Institute of Costa Rica, or TEC for short.

“How many of us here can say that one of our former students has become a university president?” Robison said. “And not just any university – TEC was established in 1971 and is one of the most prestigious universities in all of Central America.

“TEC is autonomous, public and comprehensive and offers bachelors through doctoral degrees. An institution of about 8,000 students, TEC has a mission and determination similar to ours here at N.C. State,” Robison said.

The Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Distinguished Lecture on Global Service to Society and the Environment is held in October each year in conjunction with World Food Day and in recognition Borlaug’s accomplishments in revolutionizing food production and speaking out on environmental management. The late Dr. Norman Borlaug – known as father of the Green Revolution — was the lecture’s inaugural speaker in 2005.

Sponsored by both the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Natural Resources, the lecture has brought to campus a number of professionals who have worked for sustainability of both humankind, through food production, and the environment.

Calvo’s lecture focused on “Costa Rica in the Path of Environmental Sustainability. Lessons Learned.” He described how Costa Rica has become a leader in Central America in striving for environmental, economic and social sustainability.

Costa Rica is one of only a few countries that have reversed the process of deforestation, thanks to a concerted government effort that started in the 1970s, Calvo said. While 59 percent of Costa Rica was forested in 1969, a national development plan based on agriculture and livestock led to major deforestation that reduced forest cover to an all-time low of 40 percent by 1986.  An intensive effort has restored forest cover to 50 percent of the country in 2010, and today Costa Rica is working hard to maintain a sustainable balance.

Much of the country – 25 percent – has been protected as national park land, and forest plantations have helped to renew the country’s forest resources. As a result, tourism in Costa Rica has grown to more than 2 million visitors each year.

Costa Rica also has made a substantial investment in human and infrastructure development. The country’s strong education system has resulted in a higher standard of living and low childhood malnutrition rates.
Pursuing a high standard of living and sustainable development has required Costa Rica to carefully manage its energy usage, Calvo explained. The country has developed a strong hydroelectric energy system and also is investing in other options for renewable power sources. As a result, Costa Rica has been able to manage its carbon footprint, Calvo said.

The country also has invested in roads, helping to provide useful infrastructure for trade. Costa Rica exports more than 4,000 products around the world. Its gross domestic product is growing, and it is considered one of the best countries in the region for foreign investment.

Costa Rica is faring better than many of its neighbors, Calvo said. Investment in education and strong democracy gives Costa Rica a better chance of achieving sustainability. But this model won’t work in all countries, Calvo said.

Costa Rica is a good case study. Its path towards sustainability is built on quality education, health and a stable society as precursors to sustainable environmental management, while in many developing countries those precursors are not in place, and the approach must be different — and probably more challenging, he said.

At the conclusion of the lecture, Dr. Paul Mueller, crop science professor, gave Calvo a piece of North Carolina’s own Seagrove pottery, a gift that has become a Borlaug lecture tradition.

Dr. Calvo enjoys a roundtable discussion with faculty and students at NC State University following the 2011 Borlaug lecture
During his visit, Calvo also delivered a couple short seminars and engaged in small group roundtable discussions with faculty, staff and students from the two sponsor colleges.

– N. Hampton, CALS Communications

NC State Renewable Energy Experts Serve On EPA Science Advisory Board Panel

United States Environmental Protection AgencyThree North Carolina State University professors recently served on an Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board Panel to discuss scientific issues that have major implications for the future of renewable power and fuels.

Drs. Robert Abt, professor of forest economics and management; Morton Barlaz, professor and head of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering; and Stephen Kelley, professor and head of the Department of Forest Biomaterials; joined 15 other researchers from 10 universities and three national laboratories on the panel.

The Biogenic Carbon Emissions Panel met in Washington, DC, Oct. 25-27 to conduct a peer review of EPA’s Accounting Framework for Biogenic Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Stationary Sources. The review included identifying key scientific and technical factors to be considered when constructing a framework for accounting for the impacts of utilizing biologically-based feedstocks at stationary power and fuel production sites, which include power plants, chemical plants, landfills, bioethanol plants, oil refineries and wood products manufacturing facilities.

Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions are emissions from a stationary source directly resulting from the combustion or decomposition of biologically-based materials other than fossil fuels. This panel focused on the scientific links between the biogenic emissions and the capture of carbon during the growth of the biomass, along with the associated land changes.

When the panel completes its work it will provide a comprehensive scientific overview of the different frameworks for tracking biogenic CO2 emissions through the carbon cycle.

NC State was the only university with three researchers appointed to the board, one from the College of Engineering and two from the College of Natural Resources.

Abt has 25 years of experience in modeling forest-dependent industries and markets. He developed the Sub-Regional Timber Supply (SRTS) modeling framework, which has been used by NASA and EPA to evaluate the potential impact of climate change and other environmental stressors of southern forests. Abt’s forest resource assessment research is supported by a consortium of 22 resource- dependent firms who are members of the Southern Forest Resource Assessment Consortium at NC State. Recently, his work has focused on the potential impact of bio-energy demand on the sustainability of the forest resource, traditional wood dependent industries and sequestered carbon.

Barlaz became head of the CCEE department in August 2010. He has been a faculty member at NC State since 1989 and served as the associate head of the department from 1998 to 2006. He is an internationally renowned expert in the field of solid waste management, and his research in microbial ecology and degradation processes in landfills is considered by many to be the most important work in the field today. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Individual Achievement Award from the Solid Waste Association of North America in 2004 and the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors in 2003 and 2009.

Kelley became head of the Department of Forest Biomaterials in 2005. His research interests include the sustainable production of energy and materials from biomass, life cycle analysis of wood products and energy systems and the application of novel analytical tools to biomass characterization. Prior to joining NC State, he worked for 13 years at DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and six years as an industrial researcher working with renewable polymers. He currently serves on the editorial boards of three international journals and is the president of the Consortium for Research in Renewable Industrial Materials.


For more information:
Nate DeGraff, NCSU College of Engineering  919-515-3848
Tilla Fearn, NCSU College of Natural Resources  919-513-4644