Investing in the Next Generation of Scientists

Cover - BioResources Online Journal - August 2011 Vol 6 Issue 3Forest Biomaterials professors Marty Hubbe and Lucian Lucia at NC State University already have busy schedules teaching, conducting research and serving their university.  To these duties, they have taken on editing an open access journal BioResources which has seen tremendous growth since they established the journal in July of 2006.

Their work has the professors thinking daily about the future of the field, the challenges ahead and the talented scientists needed to tackle those challenges. In response to this need, they decided to invest some of the journal’s assets in the future by making annual contributions to fund one year scholarships for deserving students majoring in forest biomaterials at NC State.

Paper Science Students Tour Celulosa Arauco

“Not only do we want to benefit the renewable materials community with the journal, but our hope is to leverage the growth of the journal to support students going into the paper & science engineering major.” says Dr Lucia. “We count ourselves as very fortunate to be able to give back and provide scholarships to the meritorious undergrads that come into our Department.”

While they are starting small, the professors hope to grow the fund and increase the number of scholarships available in the future. Contributions to support the Journal and the BioResources Scholarship Fund are welcome. Make a gift to the BioResources Fund   

BioResources is devoted to the science and technology of using materials, chemicals, or energy derived from predominantly lignocellulosic sources, such as wood, agricultural residues, paper, and related by products for new uses and new capabilities.

With a goal of promoting scientific discourse in an area of research that is critical to the future of us all, BioResources open-access, web-based format means that articles can be downloaded without cost by researchers around the world, helping to speed progress toward the solution of some pressing environmental issues. The journal is also available in print format.

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