Dean's Update – Special Edition June 2009

June 10 2009

Dear Friends and Alumni of the NC State University College of Natural Resources,

Negative publicity has surrounded NC State in recent weeks.  While there is never a good time for this kind of notoriety, it could not have come at a worst time for our institution given the landmark budget challenges we face during these tough economic times.

NC State remains a strong, comprehensive university known for our leadership in education and research, and globally recognized for our science, technology, engineering and mathematics leadership. As one of the nation’s oldest land grant universities we have held both a front row seat and a place in the trenches helping businesses, communities, and individuals triumph over adversity – emerging leaner, stronger and more prepared than ever for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We intend to do the same.

We have no illusions; recovery will be difficult. The challenges are great and hard choices will have to be made.  The work is already underway.  We are pleased to welcome as our interim chancellor an individual of noted integrity who shares with each of you a love for NC State.  Dr. Jim Woodward is chancellor emeritus of UNC-Charlotte, and an aeronautical and mechanical engineer who began his faculty career right here at NC State.  More information about Dr. Jim Woodward is online at As dean, I look forward to working closely with Interim Chancellor Woodward and Interim Provost Warwick Arden to return the focus of the world to the accomplishments and contributions of NC State.

I want to personally assure you that all of us in the College of Natural Resources are committed to NC State’s mission of education, innovation and service.  Our researchers continue to discover new knowledge with the potential to change lives; our students are challenged daily as they grow into an impressive cadre of tomorrow’s natural resource leaders; and our extension folks daily deliver knowledge and expertise to people, businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations who in turn use it to improve the health and sustainability of their communities.

Our alumni and friends have always played a major role in the success of our college. Your support continues to be vital and we ask that you continue to stand with us in the weeks and years ahead.  Please take a moment to remember all the reasons you have to be proud of your association with NC State and the College of Natural Resources and please continue to give of your time, expertise and financial support to keep us strong.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about any development at NC State at 919.515.2883 or  I invite you to visit our College News Blog online at to learn about recent awards, discoveries, and accomplishments of the faculty, staff and students of the College of Natural Resources.


Robert Brown, Dean

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