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51st Annual Hardwood Dry Kiln Operator’s Short Course at NC State Announced

The 51st Annual Hardwood Dry Kiln Operator’s Short Course

May 24 – 27, 2022
NC State University
Hodges Wood Products Lab
Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact Phil Mitchell for more information at
919-515-5581 or
Click Here for more information and registration.

Course Description

This short course will provide practical knowledge about how lumber is effectively kiln dried and scientific background on related wood properties and processes. It will have value for the beginner as well as experienced kiln operators and with supervisors, sales, and marketing personnel. Instruction, by university faculty and industry experts, will be both in the classroom and through hands-on lab exercises using our 1000 BF steam-heated dry kiln. This is a “hands-on” course where you will learn by hearing, seeing, and most importantly, by doing!

Program Outline