Woodson named NC State’s 14th Chancellor

NC State University News Release
By Mick Kulikowski, NC State University News Services
January 8, 2010

Randy Woodson, NC State University ChancellorDr. William Randolph “Randy” Woodson, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost at Purdue University, has been named chancellor of North Carolina State University.
The appointment was announced by University of North Carolina President Erskine Bowles in Chapel Hill today (Jan. 8), following approval by the UNC Board of Governors. Woodson succeeds Dr. James Woodward, who has served as chancellor on an interim basis since Dr. James L. Oblinger resigned in June.

Woodson, 52, becomes NC State’s 14th chancellor.

Read the full release

Paper Science & Engineering Program Fall Update

What's Happening in the NC State PSE Program? Read the Paper Science & Engineering Fall Program Update to learn about…

  • Pulp & Paper Foundation Meeting/Webinar to be held
    Friday November 6, 2009 – Please Join Us.
  • Recruiting New Students – Your Help is Needed
  • Classroom Renovation Complete!
  • PSE Students Win TAPPI national Scholarships
  • Students Visit Kimberly Clark for a "Tissue 101" Weekend
  • Profs Visit Southern Mills on the "Southern Swing"
  • Freshman Retreat A Success


College's Fitness Program Leads by Example

The College of Natural Resoruces Gets Fit For Life

 From the NC State University Bulletin – by David Hunt

Changes in the State Health Plan that threaten to penalize some overweight employees starting in 2011 raise the question: What's available at work to help faculty and staff members lose weight and live healthier lives? A check of the resources available online through the university and the State Health Plan can easily leave you underwhelmed by the choices. More on that later.

But, on the bright side, NC State employees are showing what can be done, on their own, to improve their health and fitness.

Last Wednesday, a half-dozen employees in the College of Natural Resources (CNR) gathered in a meeting room in Jordan Hall for 45 minutes of Zumba, an aerobic exercise class featuring high energy dance moves performed to a sassy Latin rhythm. Volunteer instructor Madison Owen, a graduate student in textiles who is certified to teach the exercise regimen, kept the class moving and grooving.

“Roll, roll, roll, pop, pop,” she sang as the group stepped to the left and jumped.

The participants, all women over 40 of varying sizes and dance skills, kept the workout fun. They were excited to hear a running translation of the song’s lyrics from a co-worker who spoke Spanish. “It’s a love story,” she told them to general amusement. “He’s talking about his dark-skinned cutie.”

CNR employess turn out on their lunch break to move and groove to ZumbaLaughter, it seems, is a big part of the program. Participants teased each other when they missed a series of complex moves and joked about which of them was the “Queen of Zumba.”

Owen may be a generation behind her classmates, but she shared an easy camaraderie with them.

“I love y’all’s facial expressions,” she called over her shoulder during a segment called sleepy leg. “I hear heavy breathing. That’s a good sign.”

The program, called CNR Fit for Life, was launched last May to give employees in the college a free and easy option for exercising during their lunch break. Participants meet Monday through Thursday from noon to 12:45 p.m. in Jordan Hall for a variety of activities, including yoga, Pilates and Tae Bo, as well as low impact aerobics and strength training. They also hear lectures from guest speakers on nutrition, stress management and other health topics and take field trips, like the excursion they recently made to University Dining for tips on preparing healthy meals.

Great Results

The results have been impressive. A participant named Ellen confided that her fitness level has improved dramatically since she began the program.

“My stamina has increased, my back and knees are better, my asthma is better and I’m sleeping better,” she said. “I can climb stairs without huffing and puffing now.”

The program works for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is the support and encouragement it receives from CNR Dean Robert Brown.

“I think it’s great, wonderful,” he said Monday. “It’s impressive that the group has stayed with it, which is not easy to do when it comes to exercise. The feedback has been positive from everybody.”

Brown said the idea for the program came earlier this year when the State Health Plan announced that it would reduce coverage for members who have a body mass index above a certain number: 40 in 2011 and 35 in 2012. He asked his staff to look into the worksite wellness programs available on campus and found there wasn’t much. The university’s Shape U program, a five-week exercise program offered in January, was no longer available, he learned. New programs were being discussed, but hadn’t been organized.

“Why can’t we have our own program?” he suggested.

In addition to Zumba, teh CNR program offers yoga, Pilates, strength training and health lecturesFocus on Body, Mind and Spirit

Susan Colby, student services coordinator in the PGA golf management program, stepped up and offered to organize the activities. As a one-time health and wellness director at the YMCA, Colby has lots of experience running wellness programs. Although the program started out in response to the health plan changes, she explained, it’s evolved well beyond that.

“Weight loss is no longer the main focus,” she said. “It's getting up and moving, taking time to take care of ourselves physically, which also plays a role in stress relief and mental and emotional health. It has become an overall body, mind and spirit program.”

The college is lucky to have employees like Colby and Thomas Easley, CNR’s director of diversity, who have a background in health and fitness. Easley has volunteered to assist in teaching cardio and strength training programs.

Colby said the dean’s support has been critical to the success of the program.

“It has to come from the top, down. You have to take the programs to the people,” she said. “You can’t expect people to find the programs.”

That’s true in theory. But in practice, that’s exactly what the State Health Plan has in mind. Its wellness program, called NC HealthSmart, doesn't run wellness or fitness programs, but offers an online toolkit with suggestions on healthy eating and activities. It encourages employees to use the stairs instead of the elevator, for example, and lets you download posters, like one that says, “Buy a Kid Size Meal and Enjoy the Toy.”

Pushing Happy Meals doesn’t seem like the textbook way to promote weight loss, but at least the posters are free.

Vlunteer Zumba instructor Madison Owen is a graduate student in textiles.What Else on Campus?

Here on campus, a few worksite wellness programs are offered. Wolflife Wellness, the university’s worksite wellness portal, lists three active weight management programs, none of which are free:

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less. A 15-week program developed by cooperative extension that provides group classes with information on weight management and healthy living. No classes have been organized on campus at this time but some may be offered in January. Cost is $30 (but $25 will be refunded if you attend 10 classes).

Weight Watchers at Work. A 17-week program designed to help you lose weight. Offered on campus on an ongoing basis. Anyone interested can attend an open house meeting on Centennial Campus. Cost is $186 for 17 weeks. For more information about meeting times and locations, contact Sue Cross at 515-7036 or sue_cross@ncsu.edu.

Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS).  A weight-loss support group that has open enrollment periods where interested employees may attend a free introductory meeting. An annual membership is $24, plus a $2 monthly chapter fee. For more information, contact Lynda Hambourger at lynda_hambourger@ncsu.edu.

Carmichael a Good Value

For exercise options, employees are encouraged to join the Carmichael Complex, which includes a fitness center, exercise classes and gymnasium for as little as $15 a month.

Brown endorses the idea of employees joining Carmichael and notes that CNR has the highest percentage of Carmichael members of any college. But, he added, not everyone feels comfortable working out in a fitness center. Time may also be a factor for many employees. By the time you drive to Carmichael, find parking and change into your workout clothes, you may not have much time to exercise during your lunch break.

Extension employees outside the Triangle area don’t have access to Carmichael and other campus resources. For them, choices are limited. Groups of 20 or more may sign up for Weight Watchers at Work, but don’t look for the university to assist you in coordinating the program. As with the State Health Plan’s online toolkit, you’re on your own.

Maybe it shouldn’t be that way. For his part, Brown encourages other colleges and units at NC State to consider offering lunchtime exercise and wellness programs.

“Obesity is a real problem,” he noted. “A lot of us have pretty sedentary jobs. The whole university needs to get behind this.”

Fit for Life Class Schedule for November (PDF File)

Wolflife Wellness

NC HealthSmart

Carmichael Complex

Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Lays Solid Foundation for New Sustainable Wood Products Course

NC State students salvage wood from home deconstructionWorking with Habitat for Humanity deconstructing homes is just the first step for students in a new interdisciplinary course offered this Fall by the Department of Wood and Paper Science at NC State. The main objective of WPS491/"Wood as A Sustainable Material" is to introduce the ideas and concepts of sustainability as it relates to wood and wood products manufacturing, including using waste wood for value added products and energy.

As part of their coursework the students tour historic homes and green buildings and collaborate with Habitat for Humanity to deconstruct homes. The deconstructed wood (lumber) is brought to the Hodges Wood Products Lab at NC State where the students develop value-added products, like mouldings, from the wood. Once produced to Habitat's specifications, the value-added projects will be used on Habitat homes under construction. 

NC State wood products students salvage roofing boards from a home being deconstructed by Habitat for HumanityAccording to course professor Sudipta Dasmohapatra, the students will gain a broad perspective of sustainability and green principles; become familar with various applications of wood as a sustainable and renewable material; learn about wood construction and deconstruction concepts like moisture retention, drying, nailing and finishing; and develop an understanding of life cycle analysis and certification – all while providing a service to the community.

Solving the Period Problem: Researchers Develop Sanitary Pads from Local Organic Materials

NC State News Release – October 5, 2009

Contact:  Caroline Barnhill, News Services – 919.515.6251

Prototype of sanitary pad made from banana stem fibers produced at NC State UniversityFor most American women, their “time of the month” is seen as a hindrance to daily life. In impoverished and developing countries, however, monthly periods are a major cause for concern among women. The lack of affordable, quality sanitary pads results in females missing up to 50 days of school annually – thereby compromising their educational and professional potential. Researchers at North Carolina State University are helping to combat the problem by designing affordable pads made from natural, available materials that will allow for local production and sale.

“This is the kind of project I’ve wanted to be involved with for a long time – using my knowledge of textiles and the sciences to make a real impact in the underserved parts of the world,” says Dr. Marian McCord, associate professor of textile engineering chemistry, science and biomedical engineering at NC State. McCord was contacted by Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), a social enterprise dedicated to developing a franchise model led by young women to manufacture and distribute affordable, high-quality and environmentally friendly sanitary pads in underserved parts of the world.

Former President Bill Clinton recently named the SHE project one of the “commitments to action” at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in September. Established in 2005, the Clinton Global Initiative brings together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

A prototype of the sanitary pad, produced by textile engineering student David W. Allen, is made from banana stem fibers. McCord and colleagues across NC State are using their knowledge in areas such as nonwovens, wood and paper science, and medical textiles to develop a sanitary pad from materials readily available in local areas – such as the fiber from banana stems in Rwanda. The pads will be sold by community health workers for 30 percent less than the available brand.

“In some of these areas of Africa, a month’s supply of imported sanitary pads cost more than a day’s worth of wages. The donations they receive from individuals help, but they simply are not a long-term solution to the problem,” says Elizabeth Scharpf, founder and CEO of SHE. “Our goal is to create affordable pads that are able to be easily manufactured for a low cost at the local level – and the research being conducted at NC State helps us do that.”

Researchers in the Department of Wood and Paper Science at NC StateDrs. Lucian Lucia, Medwick Byrd and Hasan Jameel – took  banana stem fibers, which are easily accessible in Rwanda, and put them through a series of chemical treatments and mechanical actions in order to change their composition from coarse, waxy fibers into soft, billowy materials that are more amenable to absorbing liquid. Students in a textile engineering senior design course, led by Dr. Russell Gorga, associate professor of textile engineering, then incorporated the material into comfortable, effective and environmentally benign covers to create the prototypes currently under evaluation. The final prototype was produced by David W. Allen, a senior in textile engineering at NC State.

“The idea behind our research was to keep this process extremely simple – we employed materials that were cheap and easy to work with,” Lucia says. “In order for this project to be successful, it was imperative that the process could be replicated in other parts of the world – and that the average person, not necessarily a scientist, could create these sanitary pads. Our part in this important project was to show that turning banana stem fiber into an absorbent material is possible – and we’re very pleased that was exactly what we were able to do.”

“Our hope is that through this research, we’ll take a step toward improving the lives of millions of impoverished women in Rwanda, and perhaps all of Africa,” McCord says. “This project is just one of many examples of how a university without a medical school like NC State can have a major impact on global health.”