NC Energy Office Stimulus Grants Support CNR’s Student Internship Program

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Excerpted from Triangle Business Journal  –
July 20, 2010
by Amanda Jones Hoyle


NC Energy Office grants $5.6M in stimulus funds

The North Carolina Energy Office is doling out $5.6 million in federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to create an internship program that will employ 400 North Carolina students training in green-energy related fields.

The federal funds are being combined with $3 million allocated from public and private agencies in North Carolina to fund the program, which will create jobs and internships for college students and recent graduates. More than 20 private businesses, public agencies and universities are expected to participate, according to information from the North Carolina Department of Commerce.

The N.C. Energy Office created the program with money from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to provide green-energy-related internship and fellowship programs for North Carolina undergraduate and graduate students.

N.C. State University’s College of Natural Resources in Raleigh will use its $435,481 grant to hire 45 interns and three fellows with master’s degrees. An internship experience is a course requirement for completion of a degree in several majors within the department.

Read the complete article in the Triangle Business Journal

Wolfpackers Study Natural Resources Down Under

PRTM Student Enjoys Snorking in AustrailaFrom Global Eyes- Summer 2010
by Roger and Annette Moore 

A group of NC State students spent their first summer session travelling and learning in Queensland, Australia.  The 23 undergraduates were participants in two Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management courses (PRT 449 – Human Dimensions of Natural Resources in Australia and PRT 450 – Sustaining Natural Environments in Australia) which are designed to expose students to diverse ecosystems and cultures in Australia. 

Read the complete article in Global Eyes

Hazwoper Training at NC State Prepares Students to Help in Gulf Coast Disaster

Safety equipment used in Hazwoper class at NC StateFrom NBC17 / – 6/4/2010
by Maggie Alexander

While the cleanup continues in the Gulf Coast, students in North Carolina are learning how to respond to disasters just like that one.

Linda Taylor teaches OSHA's Hazwoper, that's a safety training class at N.C. State. What students learn in the classroom can be taken down to the Gulf to help with the oil spill.

"We've had students contact us about what they need to do to go down and help with the oil spill so this is one option we can make available to them," Taylor said.

Read the complete story and Watch the video on

Learn more about the Hazwoper course and the Environmental Technology degree in NC State's Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources

New Recruiting Video from TAPPI showcases Paper Science & Engineering Careers

TAPPI logoDemonstrating their solid support for the industry and the college programs which prepare the future leaders of the paper industry, TAPPI has produced an exciting video to interest young folks in careers in the paper industry. "Five Reasons Why You Should Be A Paper Engineer" includes folks from NC State in the video and we're already using it to attract students to our paper science & engineering program.

Download the Video –  Flash    
See more recruiting materials –  TAPPI Career Center

Grant supports recruiting of high quality, diverse park & recreation management graduate students

Challenging curirculum prepares students for exciting careers in park and recreation managementOn November 5, 2009 the NC State University Graduate School announced that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management  Graduate Program received a grant to implement a campaign to recruit outstanding students from under represented populations in the disciplines of park and recreation management.  The department received a grant of $1,400 to assist in developing recruiting materials and to cover travel costs for potential graduate students to meet PRTM faculty and students and tour the campus.  According to the National Recreation and Parks Association, racial and ethnic minorities account for less than 20% of professionals in the recreation and parks field.

All three departments in the NC State University College of Natural Resources are committed to helping make natural resource careers available and welcoming to a diverse population.   Visit the website for the College’s Community for Diversity in Natural Resources to learn what we are doing to increase diversity in all related natural resources disciplines.

Learn more about graduate education in the NC State University Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management.