NC State to Co-Sponsor "The Green Business Forum"

News Release – October 2, 2009

The Green Business Forum SignNorth Carolina State University, along with the Southern Growth Policies Board, The Energy Foundation, NC Greenpower and SAFER Alliance, will sponsor this year's The Green Business Forum.

This one-day program will focus on the economic opportunity of the south's researchers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and service providers to power the region's green economy today and into the future.

At the event, participants will learn where the south's research and technology strengths lie and where new breakthroughs will emerge; meet the entrepreneurs who are building new green businesses and jobs; and discuss strategies for the south to fully harness the potential of the green economy.

The event will be held Friday, October 23, at the NC Biotechnology Center in Durham. For more information, please visit:
Registration Deadline – October 16, 2009

Event planning and logistics provided by the NC State University Forestry and Environmental Outreach Program


Behavioral Ecology of Mammals Symposium Honors Dr. Roger A. Powell

The W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology at North Carolina State University will honor Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences and Zoology professor Dr. Roger A. Powell with the "Behavioral Ecology of Mammals" symposium, on Friday, September 4, 2009 from 1-5 P.M. in the Stanley G. Stephens Room, 3503 South Gardner Hall.  Students, faculty, alumni and friends of the program are encouraged to attend.  Gardner Hall is located at 100 Derieux Place on North Campus
Download the Symposium Agenda 

Dr. Roger A. Powell, NC State Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

 Dr. Powell's research for the past 30 years has emphasized how limiting resources affects animals and has examined how animals space themselves on a landscape due to the home ranges of other individuals and on the distributions of pertinent resources. His black bear field research results and his research approach have been widely applied and generalized to other forest animals and have led to diverse applications through state wildlife agencies, the USDA Forest Service, the US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service   In addition, Dr. Powell teaches Wildlife Management, Community Ecology and Advanced Topics in the Study of Mammals.

Related Links
Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Program at North Carolina State University
More information about Dr. Roger A. Powell

College of Natural Resources Partners with U.S. Forest Service to Host 2nd International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment

When: September 14-16, 2009
Where: Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Global climate change has resulted in a series of chain reactions in the watershed ecohydrological processes. Growing concerns over watershed degradation, water scarcity, and ecosystem sustainability due to climate change require new approaches to managing forest water resources. Unfortunately, little science-based guidance is available for forest managers and policy makers adapting to climate change.

At this 2nd conference we will continue to discuss forest-water relations and changing environmental conditions. The goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for experts from around the world on eco-hydrology, restoration ecology, forest ecology, watershed management and global change sciences to share knowledge and research experiences, and develop long-term international collaborations on watershed research.

Learn more and register at the Conference Website




NC State University Golf Course to host Tarheel Junior Tour Event

From  July 22, 2009

The Tarheel Junior Golf Tour has announced that the first nationally ranked junior golf event to be held at the newly opened Arnold Palmer designed Lonnie Poole Golf Course at NC State University will be December 12-13, 2009. The golf course is located on the NC State University campus, home to the top ranked agronomy program in the nation. It serves as the new home to the 16th ranked NC State University Mens Golf Team and Womens golf teams and the NC State University Professional Golf Management Program.

"We are thrilled to have another great golf course for our tour to play. NC State University is a large part of the Raleigh community and the coaching and professional staff at the University and Lonnie Poole Golf Course have been major supporters of junior golf in North Carolina for decades.", said Bob Gerard of the Tarheel Golf Foundation. He added, "there's been great anticipation among junior golfer surrounding this new golf course. I expect that we will have a full tournament field very quickly." Entries are now open for the December event at

Eric Murray
Tarheel Golf Foundation
Raleigh, NC
(919) 622-9361

NC State To Host Webinar Addressing National Update Federal Biomass Definitions and The American CLean Energy and Security Act

NEWS RELEASE – May 6, 2009

Currently Congress is considering The American Clean Energy and Security Act (WaxmanMarkey Bill) that includes proposed biomass definitions. This 2-hour webinar will review House and Senate biomass definitions and offer comments from a stakeholder panel from various sectors of the forestry community.  Participants will have an opportunity to address speakers and panelists through questions or comments.

Invited Panel Organizations include the American Forest Foundation, the National Alliance of Forest Owners, the National Association of State Foresters, the Society of American Foresters and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Part of the Forestry & Natural Resources Webinar Series made possible through a partnership with AgriLIFE Extension, Southern Regional Extension Forestry and the NC Cooperative Extension Service; the webinar will be hosted by NC State University's Dennnis Hazel, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist with Extension Forestry and Steve Smutko, Extension Specialist with the Natural Resources Leadership Institute.

The Webinar will be held May 15, 2009 from 12PM to 2PM Eastern Time – CFE credit may be available

For more information about the webinar and to register visit .