Commitment + Challenge = Awesome Students Experiencing Great Things

NCSU @ Congaree

NC State Student Chapter of SAF in front of a giant Cypress in Congaree National Park

What do you get when you give academically motivated and naturally curious students a challenge? Well, if they are NC State students, you’ll get the opportunity to see the best of the best.

The NC State Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources encourages our students to participate in their own professional development by becoming active in professional societies and attending conferences. Over the past several years, the department has encouraged participation in the Society of American Foresters (SAF) national convention by subsidizing the students’ cost of attendance. Through the direction of their faculty advisor, Joe Roise, the NC State Student Chapter of SAF has a long tradition of organizing a pre-conference Wilderness Leadership Excursion in the area where the convention is being held.

This year, the SAF national convention was held in Charleston, SC, and the Wilderness Leadership Excursion took place in Congaree National Park.  “The national park is 24,180 acres and is one of the newest parks,” explained Matthew Haunsperger, SAF Student Chapter President. “The creek is a black water system that flows through the center of the park and is lined with cypress, water tupelo, swamp laurel oak, and some of the largest loblolly pines in the nation.” Matt led, with eight other students and Joe Roise, a canoe trip down Cedar Creek through the park and onto the Congaree River.

Canoeing Cedar Creek in Congaree National Park

Canoeing Cedar Creek

The group met many obstacles along the way – literally. “The water level was very low for October,” said Dr. Roise. “There were so many downed trees across the creek that we had to carry the canoes more than we had expected.” Apparently, a water moccasin thought it would add a little more excitement to the mix at one point. Each challenge, however, was met and dealt with.

“When our destination was reached 27 miles and 4 days later, we ventured to Charleston, to meet with the rest of our chapter. For many, it was their first convention and one not to forget,” said Matt. He explained that it was particularly relevant for the students to attend a southeastern conference, because they are currently studying the silviculture of that region. “The seminars allowed us to see the research and job opportunities in our area. The insight inspired students to see what paths they can follow after completion of their education,” reflected Matt.

NCSU SAF Student Chapter 2013 Quiz Bowl Team from left to right: Thomas Harris, Matthew Haunsperger, Alex Thompson, Courtney Johnson

NCSU SAF Student Chapter 2013 Quiz Bowl Team from left to right: Thomas Harris, Matthew Haunsperger, Alex Thompson, Courtney Johnson

“One of the best parts about these trips,” Dr. Roise revealed, “is getting away from campus. I get to know them, not just as my students, but as people. They are a great group, and getting to know them as people is a privilege.”

Eighteen NC State students in all participated in the 2013 SAF convention, which included a valiant effort by our Quiz Bowl Team. When possible, the department and college hosts an alumni luncheon during the convention, and this year was not an exception, since it was, relatively speaking, in our own backyard. We had a record attendance of 75 alumni, friends and students for the luncheon, which featured an update on the College of Natural Resources’ strategic planning progress by Dean Mary Watzin.

Back at school now and the weather much colder, the students who attended the wilderness excursion and/or the convention have their heads the books and their eyes on the prize of a degree in a field that they love. But their education has been enhanced by the depth of their experiences, and the breadth of their commitment keeps us in awe.

Excerpts above and quotes below from an article in The Trail Blazer, Newsletter of the Appalachian Society of American Foresters – Winter 2013-14 Edition

In their own words – about attending the national convention:

Anthony MooreIn October I had the chance to attend the Society of American Foresters national convention in Charleston, SC. This was my first time attending the convention and I believe it was a great experience. While at the convention I was able to meet with other forestry students from around the United States. It was interesting to learn about how different colleges are teaching forestry. I also had the opportunity to meet forestry professionals from around the country and learn about all the different types of jobs in the U.S. All in all it was a great experience and I hope to attend in future years. ~Anthony Moore, Forest Management, NC State

Thomas HarrisThis year’s Society of American Foresters convention in Charleston SC introduced me for the first time to forestry science on a national level. Each day I interacted with outstanding students, professors, and professionals in natural resource management from across the country and around the world. The most memorable times were catching up with speakers after their presentations to discuss their topic and speaking with students and representatives from different universities offering graduate degree programs. The time to speak with leading researchers was wonderful; it gave me a personal link to the research they presented. Before the convention I was unable to make the connection between scientific article describing research projects I had read and the individuals carrying out the research. Furthermore, the representation of numerous graduate degree programs in forestry and other natural resource fields afforded me the chance to think about my future and how I will incorporate graduate studies. ~Thomas Harris, Forest Management, NC State

Courtney JohnsonThe most memorable part about going to the SAF National Convention is the people I meet. The convention presents so many great opportunities to network with professionals and students as well. Meeting students from around the country opened my eyes to the differences between programs, like for instance; UC Berkeley has way more women in their forestry program and very few men. I also had the chance to mingle with the other women in forestry careers, including SAF President, Mrs. Joann Cox. I met people from all four corners of the country and I can’t wait for next year’s convention to have the chance to get to know them better.  ~Courtney Johnson, Forest Management, NC State

Click the image below to see the photo gallery from the trip. Problem viewing the album?

Photo Gallery – 2013 NCSU SAF Student Chapter Wilderness Expedition in Congaree National Park and SAF Convention

Why We Should be Worried About the Rapid Growth in Global Households

dense urban housing
Demographers are not as worried today as they were several decades ago about the prospect of a “population bomb,” a scenario where so many people come to populate the planet that we exhaust its resources.  Population growth has slowed in many parts of the world.  And in much of North America, Europe, China, and Brazil, fertility rates are so low that local populations are on pace to decline.

These trends, however, don’t cover the whole story of human impact on the environment.  The growth in the number of humans on earth may be slowing. But something very different is happening in the growth of human households.

A “household explosion” long underway in developed countries is now rapidly accelerating around the world.

Researchers Mason Bradbury, M. Nils Peterson* , and Jianguo Liu identify some hidden but seismic shifts on this front in a new paper in the journal Population and Environment.  For years – in some countries, centuries – the average household has been shrinking in size.  As a result, the total number of global households is growing much faster than the growth of the world population itself.

Why does this matter?  In the U.S. and Europe, the average household included about five people in the late 1800s. Now it has more like 2.5.  That means the same number of people today live in twice as many homes, requiring twice as many resources to build and furnish them, to heat and cool them, to pave roads to their front doors.

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An excerpt from The AtlanticCities  – February 14, 2014
Article author – Staff Writer Emily Badger


* Dr. M. Nils PetersonDr. M. Nils Peterson is a professor in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Program in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University.


CAMCORE Demonstrates the Role of Industry in Conservation of At-Risk Forest Species

Camcore seed collection

Camcore and its host members often collect seed in remote areas

“International extension agents”— that’s how CAMCORE director Bill Dvorak sometimes refers to the people who work for CAMCORE (the Central America and Mexico Coniferous Resources Cooperative), a nonprofit international tree-breeding organization headquartered at North Carolina State University (NCSU).

Although formally launched in 1980, Dvorak said the organization’s origins date back to the 1970s. “In the late 1970s there were some foresters from the United States—professor Bruce Zobel here at NCSU, and [Carl Gallegos] from International Paper company, and several other folks who went down to Guatemala and saw that many of the pine forests were being destroyed by woodcutters,” he said. “Forty percent of all the pine species in the world occur in Mexico and Central America, so it’s kind of a center of genetic diversity for the pines and, since Zobel had a lot of experience working with industrial cooperatives, and industrial, private sector members, he said, ‘Why can’t we form a industrial cooperative to conserve the genetic material of pines from Central America and Mexico in other, more protected, places?’”

This, generally speaking, is what CAMCORE does today. CAMCORE personnel travel to a threatened forest stand to collect the seed of a particular species. Some of the seeds may be put into longterm storage, while others are planted on members’ land in more protected areas in genetic field trials (or progeny tests) and conservation areas (referred to as “ex situ conservation banks”) in countries around the world with similar climates. Then the CAMCORE staff based at NCSU analyzes the data from the trials and produces annual summaries to help members decide what to grow in what location.

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An excerpt from The Forestry Source – January 2014, Vol. 19, No. 1
Article author – Joseph M. Smith, The Forestry Source Managing Editor,

Morris Wins National Award, Makes Impact on Many

photo of Hilary

Hilary Morris, Graduate Student in Natural Resources, Policy and Administration

When it comes to making an impact, graduate student Hilary Morris is no stranger. That became apparent recently when it was announced that she won First Place and $500 in the Forest Science and Technology Board Student Presentation Competition at the 2013 Society of American Foresters (SAF) National Convention in Charleston, SC, which had an attendance of over 1500.

Hilary is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources, with an emphasis on Policy and Administration. She is defending her thesis in January and will be graduating in May 2014. Her research focuses on Southeast forestry professionals’ attitudes toward climate change, and the results of her research could have important implications for future outreach efforts.

Her advisor, Mark Megalos, is Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources. “Hil is something of a superstar here. She has conducted her research while simultaneously holding an intern position with the SALCC,” Dr. Megalos remarked. “She published two extension factsheets in her first year here and has a commentary currently out for review.”

While pursuing her Master’s degree, Hilary worked as a graduate research assistant for NCSU Forestry Extension with the Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation Program (PINEMAP), and as a Pathways Intern for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC). The Pathways Internship Program provides students the opportunity to stay in school, while getting paid and working in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The impacts that Hilary has already made to these organizations and the university are immense, and we look forward to following the contributions we know she will continue to make to her profession.

PRTM Research Team Featured in American Journal of Health Promotion

The January/February 2014 (Vol. 28, Issue sp3) special issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion is devoted to Active Living Research.

American Journal of Health Promotion
This special issue highlights papers selected from abstracts submitted for presentation at Active Living Research’s tenth annual conference – Achieving Change Across Sectors; Integrating Research, Policy and Practice.

Prioritizing School Intramural and Interscholastic Programs Based on Observed Physical Activity,  by authors Jason Bocarro, Michael Kanters, Mike Edwards, Jonathan Casper and Thomas McKenzie, examines which school sports engage children in more physical activity.

Bocarro, Kanters, Edwards and Casper are researchers in the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management at NC State University. McKenzie is a professor Emeritus with the San Diego State University School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences.

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