Award nominations are being accepted through March 7 for the Norman E. Borlaug Excellence in Service to Society and the Environment Award.
This award is open to all tenure-track faculty of N.C. State University and is presented annually.
Nobel Laureate Norman E. Borlaug
This year’s award will be a part of the centennial celebration of the Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug’s life and will be presented this spring in conjunction with the lecture given by the awardee. The Distinguished Lecture on Global Service to Society and Environment will be held in the fall.
The award recognizes exemplary service to the environment and society in academics, research or service through enhancing global practices, new technologies, impact on students or global communities. It is intended to recognize accomplishments and to encourage future work. Details are available at the website:
Faculty members from any N.C. State University college are eligible for this award, named in honor of the late Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, Nobel Laureate and father of the Green Revolution. The award and lecture are sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Natural Resources.
Award nomination packets are due March 7 and should be submitted to: Dr. Joel Pawlak, Campus Box 8001, N.C. State University.
Nomination packets should include the following:
• Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
• Letter of support from department head, dean, associate or assistant dean or university officer
• Statement from the nominee about the impact of his or her work and future plans
• Letters of support from outside the university are encouraged, but not required. Such letters should describe the impact of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Nominations can originate from individual faculty members on their own behalf or from colleagues at any level of university administration. However, nomination packets must be submitted to the selection committee via the person writing a letter of support (see list above).
The awardee will have a chance to briefly address the audience assembled for the Borlaug Lecture and will receive an award certificate, a $1,000 prize, a gift from the selection committee and his or her name engraved on a university plaque.
For information contact Dr. John Sabella, CALS,,919.515.2665; or Dr. Joel Pawlak, CNR,, 919.515.2890.