Forestry Alumni Reunion Rekindles Friendships

On September 24-25, 2010, Forestry Alumni of the classes 1975 to 1979 had the chance to rekindle their long friendships. The classmates caught up with each other Friday evening at a dinner held at Embassy Suites in Raleigh. Joe Cox, alum of that period and one of the reunion organizers, said that everyone had a great time that evening, sharing stories of Forestry Summer Camp and recounting episodes with Doc Steensen and Larry Jervis.Forestry Alumni of 1975-79

The next day couldn’t have been more beautiful as the alumni continued the reunion out to Camp Slocum on Hill Forest, site of the each year’s Summer Camp. “Everyone got a kick out of seeing the camp,” said Joe, “most of the buildings that were there when we were in camp are still there.”  In one of the new classrooms, named in honor of Associate Professor Emeritus Larry Jervis, alumni and their guests were treated to a slide show of photos from back in their days of school. Despite the drastic differences in hair styles, everyone was easy to recognize from their photos.

Department Head Barry Goldfarb provided an update of what is going on in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources and answered questions for the group. Joe, who is now the College of Natural Resources Forest Manager, led a tour though special management areas of Hill Forest, which was particularly enjoyable under the crystal fall sky.

Alumni at Camp SlocumBack at camp, current NC State Forestry Club members joined the alumni for a delicious North Carolina barbeque lunch and timber sports practice. Fresh off his STIHL Timbersports Collegiate Championship win, recent Forest Management graduate Logan Scarborough also joined the group for a demonstration of underhand chop. Not to be outdone, several alumni rolled up their sleeves, put on chaps, and grabbed either side of the crosscut saw.  If the Classes of 1975-79 are any indication, then current students can look forward to a future of strong backs and even stronger friendships.Alumni using crosscut saw

See the photo gallery from the 1975-79 Forestry Alumni Reunion and photos from the college Journal, The Pinetum, from 1974 to 1979.

For more information, contact Joe Cox,, 919-515-7576, or Jennifer Viets Catalano with Development and College Relations at, 919-513-7734.

Keep in touch, be engaged, and stay informed – check our Alumni & Friends page.

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Pegram Featured On Blue Ridge Parkway Anniversary Program

Tim Pegram (’75),  former parkway ranger and the author of “The Blue Ridge Parkway by Foot: A Park Ranger’s Memoir,” was a featured guest recently on WUNC 91.5’s program, “The State of Things.”   

Fall Color at the Linn Cove Viaduct on the Blue Ridge Pparkway“The Blue Ridge Parkway at 75”  explores the legacy of  this national treasure as the Parkway celebrates its 75th anniversary

A ribbon of highway that threads through the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina, the Parkway offers access to beautiful scenery and is beloved by many travelers, making it the National Park Service’s most visited site.

Tim Pegram, author of" The Blue Ridge Parkway by Foot"After graduating from NC State in what was then the School of Forest Resources (now Natural Resources), Pegram embarked on a rewarding career as a parkway ranger.  Upon his retirement, Tim decided there was still more to learn about the Parkway so he  tackled a challenge no one else had.  He walked the length of the Parkway – all 469 miles.   

As a natural storyteller, Pegram was unable to keep his experiences to himself, so for his next challenge he wrote and published his memoir – “The Blue Ridge Parkway by Foot: A Park Ranger’s Memoir.”

You can hear some of Pegram’s stories and learn more about the Parkway’s legacy from Pegram and  fellow guest, Neva Specht, by listening to “The Blue Ridge Parkway at 75” program on the WUNC 91.5 website

Pegram’s book is available in bookstores, online and from the The Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Anastas Believes Science, Technology Offer ‘Green’ Solutions

Dr Paul Anastas 2010 Borlaug Distinguished Lecturer - NC State University

Dr. Anastas Delivers 2010 Distinguished Borlaug Lecture at NC State University

Submitted by Natalie Hampton /  CALS Communications

Today, most people have biochemical substances in their systems that weren’t even known before 1945, Dr. Paul Anastas of the Environmental Protection Agency told an audience at N.C. State University during the fifth Borlaug Lecture held Oct. 4. Known as the “Father of Green Chemistry,” Anastas told the audience that innovation is required to help society reduce its dependence on products and processes that rely on toxic substances.

Anastas, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development, is known for his groundbreaking research on the design, manufacture and use of minimally toxic, environmentally friendly chemicals. Prior to joining the EPA, he was on the faculty of Yale University, served as founding director of the Green Chemistry Institute headquartered at the American Chemical Society and worked in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Distinguished Lecture on Global Service to Society and Environment is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Natural Resources. Known as the “Father of the Green Revolution,” Borlaug was instrumental in developing crop varieties that helped feed millions around the world. The first person to deliver the lecture that later bore his name, Borlaug died last year.

Chancellor Randy Woodson opened the lecture by praising Borlaug and the other scientists who have delivered the Borlaug Lecture. He also praised the innovation of N.C. State thinkers like Dr. Joann Burkholder, professor in the Plant Biology Department, who received the Award for Service to Society and Environment. Burkholder was named the award winner last year but did not receive the award formally because no lecture was held in 2009.

Anastas described the many products we rely on today that contain substances known to be harmful. Bisphenal-A found in plastic drinking bottles, including baby bottles, is one example of a recently identified harmful substance. In addition, production of some products that we rely on requires the use of toxic chemicals that are difficult to neutralize.

20 years ago, Anastas said the word “green” was not commonly used. In developing the 12 principles of green chemistry, Anastas’ intent was to encourage science to design materials in a way that reduces or eliminates hazardous substances. Doing that requires a systems approach to redesigning products.

“How we decide to frame the question determines how many solutions we’ll come up with to a problem,” Anastas said. “Do you just optimize the existing technology, or could you re-engineer the whole system? Once you redefine the questions, you’re able to get better answers.”

Science has redefined systems many times and come up with new answers, he said. For example, cell phones eliminated the need for poles and wires. Decaffeinated coffee once required the use of a chemical now recognized as a carcinogen. Today, carbon dioxide is used to decaffeinate coffee, and hybrid coffee varieties that don’t contain caffeine have been identified.

To create a “green lawnmower,” a manufacturer might develop an engine that is quieter, uses less fuel and creates less exhaust. But a better solution might be to develop varieties of turfgrass that don’t grow very high. Do you create a “greener” laundry detergent, or develop clothes that are self cleaning, Anastas asked.

One way to engineer new solutions is to look to nature: biomimicry, Anastas said. Abalone shell is harder than many modern ceramic, but is made by an invertebrate rather that heating chemical substances to temperatures of 2,000-3,000 degrees F for many hours. The “glue” that a mussel creates to bind itself to surfaces isn’t toxic like many modern adhesives. Need to make something waterproof? Rather than using Scotchguard, look to the lotus leaf for inspiration.

Anastas described the transformation that music has made in the past 40 years – from vinyl records to eight-track tapes, then cassette tapes to compact discs, and now to digital music on an MP3 player. Today’s Ipod includes more computing power than the entire mission control center had during the Apollo moon missions of the late 1960s and early 70s, he said.

Today, Earth seems to be on an unsustainable environmental trajectory, Anastas said, but we’ve been there before. In the days when horses provided the primary means of transportation, projections of the need for more horses fueled talk of unsustainable mountains of horse manure.

Dr Robison presents NC pottery gift to Dr Paul Anastas - 2010 Borlaug Distinguished Lecturer.

Dr. Dan Robison presents a gift of NC pottery to Dr. Paul Anastas

But thanks to newer modes of transportation, the manure mountains never materialized. “Science and technology changed the equation,” he said.

With creativity, spirit and dedication, the world can find sustainable solutions to pollution challenges, Anastas said.

“Am I a technology optimist? Perhaps,” he said. “Science and technology can’t be the only path. But in the absence of science and technology, I don’t know that there is a path.”

‘Father of Green Chemistry’ will give Borlaug Lecture October 4 at NC State University

NEWS RELEASE – 9/29/2010

Media Contacts:
Natalie Hampton, or 919.513.3128
Tilla Fearn, or 919.513.4644

Paul Anastas, US EPaDr. Paul Anastas, recognized as the “Father of Green Chemistry” and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development, will deliver the fifth Borlaug Lecture at N.C. State University on October 4, 3:30 p.m., in the N.C. State Talley Student Center Ballroom.  

His lecture topic is “Sustainability through Innovation.” During his visit, Anastas will also engage in a roundtable discussion with students and faculty.

 The lecture is free and open to the public, but seating is limited. News outlets are invited to cover this event or request an interview with Anastas by contacting Latisha Petteway, 202.564.3191.

 The Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Distinguished Lecture on Global Service to Society and Environment is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Natural Resources.  Known as the “Father of the Green Revolution,” Borlaug was instrumental in developing crop varieties that helped feed millions around the world.   The first person to deliver the lecture that later bore his name, Borlaug died last year.

 In addition to the lecture, the award for Service to Society and Environment will be presented to Dr. JoAnn Burkholder, professor of in the Department of Plant Biology and director of N.C. State’s Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology.   Burkholder was named the award winner last year but did not receive the award formally because no lecture was held in 2009.

 Anastas is known for his groundbreaking research on the design, manufacture and use of minimally toxic, environmentally friendly chemicals.   Prior to joining the EPA, Anastas was the director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering and the inaugural Teresa and H. John Heinz III Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment at Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

 Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Anastas was the founding director of the Green Chemistry Institute, headquartered at the American Chemical Society in Washington, D.C.   From 1999 to 2004, he worked at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, concluding his service there as the assistant director for the environment.

A writer and thinker on the subjects of sustainability, green chemistry and engineering, he has published ten books, including Benign by Design and Designing Safer Polymers and his seminal work with John Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice.   He earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Massachusetts at Boston and a master’s degree and doctorate in chemistry from Brandeis University.

Partners in Preservation: Students and Faculty Join Wake County for Learning and Stewardship

– submitted by Meghan Lobsinger and George Hess

Beautiful day to be out outside, learning and helping WakeNatureOn Friday September 10 – a beautiful, blue-sky morning – a handful of College of Natural Resources students and faculty traveled to eastern Wake County to learn about Piedmont prairies and help remove invasive, exotic plant species as part of a prairie restoration project.  Staff from Wake County’s Division of Parks, Recreation, and Open Space joined them at the County-owned area of some 220 acres that is slated to become the first WakeNature Preserve later this year.

John Stucky explaining to students the significance of the plant species found on the site

John Stucky explaining to students the significance of the plant species found on the site

Co-chaired by College of Natural Resources faculty members George Hess and Toddi Steelman, the WakeNature Preserves Partnership brings together NC State University faculty and students, and natural resource and park system professionals from various state, county, municipal, and non-profit agencies.  Their goal: identify and steward the finest natural areas in Wake County for everyone to enjoy.

WakeNature has become a rich platform for student and faculty involvement and learning.  Several classes have participated in WakeNature-related projects, bringing real-world experiences to graduate and undergraduate students.  Numerous workdays, like the one on September 10, have provided additional opportunities for students to learn and interact with other professionals in the field.  Recently, members of the Leopold Wildlife Club have expressed an interest in carrying out wildlife surveys for WakeNature.

Charles Rudder, Meghan Lobsinger and Adrian Zeck working together to remove exotic, invasive plants from the site

Charles Rudder, Meghan Lobsinger and Adrian Zeck working together to remove exotic, invasive plants from the site

WakeNature envisions a County-wide, cross-jurisdictional brand of “WakeNature Preserves” that highlights Wake County’s finest natural areas and raises public awareness and appreciation of these special places. Continued involvement of enthusiastic members of the NC State and College of Natural Resources communities is critical to attaining this vision.  There will be many opportunities to become involved in inventory and stewardship opportunities as the WakeNature network expands.  We hope you’ll join us!

Please visit for more information.

Meghan Lobsinger is a graduate student in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources and a program assistant with Wake County Division of Parks, Recreation & Open Space.

George Hess is an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources and the co-chair of WakeNature