NC State To Host Webinar Addressing National Update Federal Biomass Definitions and The American CLean Energy and Security Act

NEWS RELEASE – May 6, 2009

Currently Congress is considering The American Clean Energy and Security Act (WaxmanMarkey Bill) that includes proposed biomass definitions. This 2-hour webinar will review House and Senate biomass definitions and offer comments from a stakeholder panel from various sectors of the forestry community.  Participants will have an opportunity to address speakers and panelists through questions or comments.

Invited Panel Organizations include the American Forest Foundation, the National Alliance of Forest Owners, the National Association of State Foresters, the Society of American Foresters and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Part of the Forestry & Natural Resources Webinar Series made possible through a partnership with AgriLIFE Extension, Southern Regional Extension Forestry and the NC Cooperative Extension Service; the webinar will be hosted by NC State University's Dennnis Hazel, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist with Extension Forestry and Steve Smutko, Extension Specialist with the Natural Resources Leadership Institute.

The Webinar will be held May 15, 2009 from 12PM to 2PM Eastern Time – CFE credit may be available

For more information about the webinar and to register visit .

Hazel and Devine Recognized for Outstanding Extension Service

Dr. Dennis Hazel and Dr. Hugh Devine were named recipients of the 2009 Outstanding Extension Service Award. They were honored along with nineteen other recipients at the Celebrating an Engaged University Banquet held April 20th at the McKimmon Center. The award recognizes outstanding extension, engagement, and economic development activities by faculty and professional staff members of the university.

Hugh Devine
 Hugh Devine

Dr. Devine, who was also nominated for the Alumni Outstanding Extension Award and will be inducted into the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension, will be recognized at Honors Convocation and will receive a monetary award of $3,000. Dr. Devine is a Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management and an Associate Faculty member of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.

Dr. Hazel, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, is part of the Extension Forestry team who recently won the NC Association of Cooperative Extension Specialist Education Award for Outstanding Subject Matter Program Developed by a Team. Dr. Hazel's leadership in the NC Woody Biomass project also led to the team winning the Southern Growth Policies Board 2009 Innovator Award earlier this year.

 Dennis Hazel receives award for outstanding extension service

Above photo – from left: Barry Goldfarb,
Professor and Head, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources;
Robert Brown, Dean, College of Natural Resources; Dennis Hazel,
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Forestry
and Environmental Resources; James Zuiches, Vice Chancellor for
Extension, Engagement and Economic Development, during Extension Service Award Ceremony.

Congratulations to both Hugh and Dennis!

Read more about the Outstanding Extension Service Awards…

Extension Forestry Team Wins Education Award from NCACES

Congratulations to the team of Extension and outreach faculty and staff, and two graduate students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources for their recognition by NC Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists for their efforts in developing the NC Woody Biomass Education initiative. The team consisted of Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel , Mark Megalos, James Jeuck, Christopher Hopkins, Susan Moore, Kelley Duffield McCarter, Jasmine Shaw (graduate student), and Susan McIntyre (graduate student). The award category is for Outstanding Subject Matter Program Developed by a Team.

NC Woody Biomass was developed to promote economic opportunities related to renewable energy derived from woody biomass. In 2008 the initiative has conducted 7 resource analyses, reached over 1000 participants, provided over 1400 continuing education credits for resource professionals, increased professionals understanding by about 20% and landowners understanding by about 88% of the economic opportunities related to renewable energy derived from woody biomass, developed a web site (, and published nine factsheets addressing the various facets of renewable energy and woody biomass.

Presentation Slide - Woody Biomass Energy in North Carolina
Visit the NC Woody Biomass Website for more information.

Dr. Goode-Vick Awarded NC State 2009 Faculty Advisor Award

NEWS RELEASE – May 1, 2009

Dr. Candace Goode-Vick in the Department of Parks Recreation & Tourism Management has been awarded the 2009 Faculty Advisor Award in recognition and celebration of her exemplary service in advising students at North Carolina State University.  Dr. Candace Goode-Vick is an associate professor and assistant department head in the NC State Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Her award was presented on April 30, 2009 in a ceremony at the NC State Talley Student Center.

The Faculty Adviser award is given in recognition of an adviser whose primary responsibility is as a teaching/researching faculty member.   The winner of this award exhibits a strong commitment to student success through availability to advisees, commitment to guiding students in career and academic paths, and awareness of policies and procedures.   Advising load, personal philosophy of advising, commitment to advocacy for students, and evidence of student success and learning are also considered.

More information on Dr. Goode-Vick is available at .

More information about NC State Undergraduate Advising Awards is available at .

Natural Resources Graduate Student Receives National MANRRS Research Award

NEWS RELEASE – April 30, 2009


Fourteen students accompanied by advisors from the NC State College of Natural Resources and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences recently attended the National Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Career Fair and Training Conference held in Indianapolis, Indiana. The annual affair is designed as a networking and career fair workshop where students from traditional agriculture universities present research papers and posters, interview for summer internships and professional job placements, and network with other students and professionals representing a broad array of food and agricultural related industries.

Several of the students presented oral research papers and posters with three students winning various competitive events which include: 1) Porche’ Spence, CALS Ph.D. Candidate, Soil Science; 2nd place graduate research poster; 2) Wanida Lewis, CALS Ph.D. candidate, Food Science 3rd place graduate oral research competition; and 3) Jasmine Shaw, CNR Masters of Science in Natural Resources graduate student, 2nd place graduate research competition.