Get Social – Three New Ways to Connect with Forestry and Environmental Resources

Social Media Connections to FERThe Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State University has created more opportunities for you to connect with us and others through Social Media.

If you haven’t already been following us in the College of Natural Resources Facebook community, you will definitely want to check out all of the latest happenings at

Now, three new social media connections have been created to help you keep in touch with faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources (FER).

The Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology program’s new Facebook page is designed to keep you up on what’s going on in that program’s classes, research and clubs, as well as posting job openings. Like them at!

Follow us @NCState_FER on Twitter – Looking for more hot job postings, environmental news, events, and career tips? We launched @NCState_FER for current students and alumni to stay connected to the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.

FER’s new LinkedIn group provides an additional resource for career links and advice, as well as discussions on various topics. Join the many departmental students, faculty, staff, alumni and other interested colleagues by sending a request to join at, and then collaborate as you wish within this dynamic group.

Looking for even more ways to stay in touch? Check out all of these other great social media sites related to the department:

NC State Natural Resources College to Commemorate the Centennial of the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon

2014 Marks the Centennial of the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon

passenger pigeon - extinctOn September 1, 1914, Martha died. Her death, at the Cincinnati Zoological Gardens, marked the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon – a species made extinct due to the actions of humans.

The College of Natural Resources invites you to join us at one of these events marking this significant moment in environmental history.

“In Memory of Martha” Sculpture Build
Help remember the Passenger Pigeon by folding origami pigeons to symbolically recreate the flocks of 100 years ago.  The origami birds will be assembled into a sculpture.
More @

WHEN: September 2, 2014 / 11:00 – 2:00 pm
WHERE: The Brickyard, NC State Main Campus


“Wildlife Trafficking: A Growing Global Threat to Threatened and Endangered Species” Lecture
SPEAKER: Susan Lieberman, Vice President – International Policy
Wildlife Conservation Society

Dr. Susan LiebermanWHEN: September 9, 2014 / 7:00 -8:00 pm
WHERE: Nelson Auditorium, NC State Main Campus

Dr. Susan Lieberman has worked in international biodiversity conservation, at the intersection between science and policy, for more than 25 years, and has extensive experience working on international wildlife trade. She is a member of the U.S. Presidential Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking, former director of the Species Programme of the WWF-International, and Chief of the Division of Scientific Authority of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

She has worked on the conservation of species of tigers, African and Asian elephants, African and Asian rhinos, giant pandas, African and Asian great apes, whales, marine turtles, and polar bears and conducted postdoctoral research on tortoises in Mexico and on prosimians.

Lieberman completed her Ph.D. at the University of Southern California where her research focused on tropical ecology, and amphibians and reptiles in Costa Rica.


These events are part of the NC State College of Natural Resources’ 85th Anniversary Celebration

NC State University to Host “Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2014”

Progress in Paper 2014 Raleigh NCBy Guest Blogger, Dr. Joel Pawlak; Asst. Professor, Dept. of Forest Biomaterials

From September 8-11, 2014, the international paper physics community is coming to Raleigh and NC State University for its annual meeting. This is a group of scientists dedicated to understanding the behavior of paper from a physical standpoint.

Over the years, NC State has had a number of professors involved in this community. Perhaps some of you alumni remember taking a class from Dr. Olf, Dr. Kocurek, Dr. Ram, Dr. Rojas, or even me, Dr. Pawlak? These faculty members have all taken part in the paper physics community over the years.

This year’s meeting is part of annual gathering of this paper physics community that rotates around the world. These meetings date back to the 1960’s when the concept of describing the properties of paper from a fundamental standpoint was first explored.

Early work described the tensile strength of paper, formation of paper, bonding in paper, and the strength of single papermaking fibers. Over the years, the science has continued to advance and involves a diverse set scientific principles that describe the water resistance of paper, barrier properties of paper, and the compression strength of paper. Advanced mathematical modeling of paper, state of the art imaging and x-ray tomography are all now staples of the scientific approaches used by the community.

This year, the conference will be hosted by NC State and sponsored by Domtar and MWV.

This will be the first time NC State will host the conference and provides us an opportunity to showcase the strength of paper science and engineering program at NC State. The focus of the conference has evolved to include emerging areas of paper industry including novel products and materials from forest products.

The conference has been timed to coincide with the annual NC State Pulp and Paper Foundation meeting. If you are planning to come to Raleigh this fall for the foundation meeting, consider extending your time and taking part in the paper physics conference earlier in the week.

I look forward to seeing in Raleigh this fall and I hope that you will come to both the paper physics conference and the annual foundation meeting!

View the preliminary technical program and register for the conference>>

Adair and Woodbury Recognized for Excellence

This summer, Erin Adair and Patti Woodbury, two staff members with the College of Natural Resources, were among those honored as Award for Excellence recipients at NC State University – the  most prestigious honor bestowed upon non-faculty employees.

Erin Adair - 2014 Award of Excellence Recipient

Erin Adair

Patti Woodbury,  2014 Award of Excellence Honoree

Patti Woodbury

The award recognizes notable contributions that are above and beyond an employee’s normal job responsibilities. Recipients have demonstrated excellence in serving their departments or divisions, the NC State campus community, the State of North Carolina, or the lives of others.

Dean Mary Watzin joined Chancellor Randy Woodson at a campus-wide ceremony to confer the honors.  In addition to the award itself, each received eight hours of paid time off and a $250 check.

Erin Adair is an Instructional Technologist for the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management. Patti Woodbury is a Program Manager with the college’s Development Office.


79th Edition of Pinetum Student Journal Published

The Pinetum Student Journal 79th edition

There’s no better way to get a picture of what it’s like to be a student in the College of Natural Resources at NC State University than to read our student journal.  For 8 decades our students have been documenting their experiences and telling their stories.  We hope you enjoy reading the  79th edition.

Previous issues are also available online –  1934 – 2001  / 2007  – 2014