Denig Visits Kosovo Wood Products Community as U.S. Aid to International Development(USAID) Expert

Dr. Joe Denig - NC State Wood ProductsDr. Joe Denig, wood products extension leader at NC State, recently returned from a United States Aid to International Development(USAID) mission trip to Kosovo.  Still rebuilding from a war 10 years ago, much of the Kosovan population is still displaced and much of the county's infrastructure is in ruins.

Dr. Denig was asked to lend his expertise and assist the Kosovan wood processing sector to improve the industry’s ability to meet recognized international standards and designs. This in turn would ensure that the small, local wood products businesses will be compatible with EU market requirements. The USAID’s Kosovo Private Enterprise Program's mission was to increase sales, while at the same time increasing local employment in the sustainable wood products industry.

Dr. Denig's work in the Wood Products Extension program at NC State University assisting the North Carolina wood products industry, showing small wood products businesses how to properly dry lumber so their products don’t fail in service and connecting NC State's students with industry – fit nicely with Kosovo's needs.

During his three week trip, he visited sites and made drying improvement suggestions to 17 individual companies and taught two drying workshops. A one and one-half day workshop held at the University of Prishtina attracted 8 industry personnel, 2 faculty members and 29 students. Many of the faculty and students hold part time jobs with the wood products industry. A second one day workshop was held at a wood products factory and attracted 8 industry personnel and 2 wood products instructors.

KosovaWood FacilityThe trip yielded benefits to both the Kosovan wood products industry and the NC State University wood products program. Reflecting on his trip, Denig had this to say, "I left knowing the knowledge we provided to these small firms would help them produce a better product and profitably employ more people. The experience I had in Kosovo will help me with my extension work by broadening my thinking on how family businesses can excel even under trying conditions. I met some fantastic people and I cannot wait to use this experience to excite our students about the world that awaits in a wood products career." 

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